ChatGPT Tricks & Shortcuts to Apply By Job Role

GPTChat Tricks By Role
Welcome to a world where artificial intelligence is not here to replace humans, but to empower them.
As an AI language model, I’ve interacted with numerous professionals across different industries, and I’ve witnessed their struggles and successes firsthand (*editor’s note: And I’ve heavily interacted with ChatGPT and witness its struggles, hehe!)
That’s why I’m excited to share with you a comprehensive list of over 100 useful prompts tailored to various professional profiles. From marketing managers to software engineers, educators to healthcare professionals, this article is designed to inspire and challenge you to think critically, creatively, and innovatively.
So let’s dive in and discover new insights, perspectives, and solutions to the complex challenges of today’s rapidly changing world.
Remember, the key to success is not just in what you know, but in how you use it.

GPT Tips and Prompts for Top 10 Professional profiles

Although we will reveal very specific tricks and prompts examples for 100+ job roles, let’s focus on the most common and generic ones for now.

So there you go one tip and one prompt for each of the following profiles. If you belong to any of them, you can apply them upfront and save a lifetime of repetitive tasks.

Content creators

GPT chat can help content creators generate ideas, write articles, and compose creative works.

  • Tip: GPT chat can generate outlines, headlines, and even entire articles, saving content creators time in the writing process.
  • Prompt: “Generate an outline for a 1000-word article on the benefits of GPT chat for businesses.”

Customer service representatives

GPT chat can assist customer service representatives in handling large volumes of inquiries and provide quick and accurate responses.

  • Tip: GPT chat can handle frequently asked questions, freeing up customer service representatives to handle more complex inquiries.
  • Prompt: “Answer frequently asked questions about the features and benefits of GPT chat.”


GPT chat can assist marketers in creating engaging and personalized marketing content and campaigns.

  • Tip: GPT chat can generate personalized email and social media content, reducing the time marketers spend on creating unique messages for each customer.
  • Prompt: “Generate a personalized email for a customer interested in using GPT chat for their business.”

Sales professionals

GPT chat can help sales professionals generate leads, manage customer interactions, and close deals.

  • Tip: GPT chat can assist with lead qualification, freeing up sales professionals to focus on closing deals.
  • Prompt: “Qualify leads based on their interest in GPT chat and their potential fit as a customer.”


GPT chat can assist developers in building chatbots, virtual assistants, and other conversational AI applications.

  • Tip: GPT chat can generate code snippets, reducing the time developers spend on writing repetitive code.
  • Prompt: “Generate code snippets to implement a simple chatbot using GPT chat.”


GPT chat can support researchers in natural language processing and artificial intelligence.

  • Tip: GPT chat can help researchers quickly analyze and interpret large amounts of data, freeing up more time for critical thinking and analysis.
  • Prompt: “Analyze and summarize data on the use of GPT chat in the financial industry.”

Language translators

GPT chat can help language translators by providing quick and accurate translations.

  • Tip: GPT chat can provide real-time translation during conversations, reducing the time translators spend translating written materials.
  • Prompt: “Translate a conversation between English and Spanish using GPT chat in real-time.”


GPT chat can assist educators in creating educational content, grading assignments, and providing feedback to students.

  • Tip: GPT chat can grade multiple-choice tests, freeing up educators to focus on providing personalized feedback to students.
  • Prompt: “Grade a multiple-choice test on the applications of GPT chat in various industries.”

Healthcare professionals

GPT chat can help healthcare professionals by providing accurate medical information and assisting with patient inquiries.

  • Tip: GPT chat can provide accurate medical information and assist with scheduling appointments, freeing up healthcare professionals to focus on patient care.
  • Prompt: “Provide information on the use of GPT chat in telemedicine and assist with scheduling a virtual appointment.”

Finance professionals

GPT chat can help finance professionals by providing financial advice, managing portfolios, and assisting with financial planning.

  • Tip: GPT chat can assist with portfolio management and provide financial advice, reducing the time finance professionals spend on manual calculations and analysis.
  • Prompt: “Manage a portfolio of investments using GPT chat and provide financial advice on a retirement plan.”

100+ Roles and one prompt trick for each (Alphabetical order)

Administrative Job Titles

  • Administrative Assistant: “Schedule and coordinate a series of meetings and events for the executive team, including booking venues, arranging catering, and sending invitations.”
  • Administrative Manager: “Develop and implement a system for tracking and analyzing office expenses, such as supplies, equipment, and utilities, and identify opportunities for cost-saving measures.”
  • Human Resources Generalist: “Develop and maintain an up-to-date employee handbook and HR policies and procedures manual, ensuring compliance with legal requirements and company culture and values.”
  • Recruiter: “Source and screen at least 10 qualified candidates for a specific job opening, using
  • Risk Manager: “Conduct a risk assessment for the company’s operations, identifying potential hazards and vulnerabilities, and developing and implementing mitigation strategies.”

Artistic Job Titles

  • Interior Designer: “Create a 3D model of a living room space, incorporating client preferences for color, furniture style, and layout.”
  • Musician: “Transcribe and arrange a popular song for a string quartet performance, adapting the melody, harmony, and rhythm for the instruments’ capabilities and the intended audience.”
  • Video Editor: “Edit a 5-minute promotional video, incorporating brand messaging and product features, and adding background music and transitions for a polished finish.”

Business Intelligence Job Titles

Editor's note: for a full list, dive into these 35 BI Prompts.
  • Business Analyst: “Analyze financial statements to identify trends and variances, and create a report outlining recommendations for improving financial performance.”
  • Data Analyst: “Analyze sales data from the past year to identify which products are selling the most and why, and create a report with recommendations for optimizing our product line.”
  • Financial Analyst: “Analyze investment opportunities, considering risk and return, and present a report with a recommendation for a new investment.” – Bloomberg GPT is bringing this to reality
  • Market Researcher: “Conduct a survey of potential customers to gather data on their preferences and behaviors related to our product, and create a report with recommendations for improving our marketing strategy.”
  • Research Assistant: “Compile a list of potential sources for industry research on a specific market trend, including contact information and pricing for access.”

Customer Service Job Titles

  • Account Representative: “Find out the reason for the customer’s last purchase and offer them a promotion on a related product that complements the item they recently purchased.”
  • Client Service Specialist: “Create a survey for clients that recently completed a transaction with your company to gather feedback on their experience and share this feedback with relevant departments.”
  • Customer Care Associate: “Create a standard operating procedure for common customer complaints, so the customer care team has a standardized approach to address customer issues.”
  • Customer Service Assistant: “Create a script for customer service representatives to follow when answering phone calls, including a greeting and a list of frequently asked questions and answers.”
  • Customer Service Manager: “Identify the top three reasons customers have been calling in the past month and come up with a plan to proactively address these issues before customers call.”
  • Help Desk: “Create a knowledge base for common tech problems and their solutions, so customers can quickly find solutions to their issues without calling the help desk.”
  • Technical Support Specialist: “Create a set of instructions on how to troubleshoot the most common problems that customers face when using your company’s product, and make this information easily accessible to the customers.”
  • Virtual Assistant: “Set up a template for scheduling appointments with clients and automate the process by integrating with a scheduling software.”

C-Level Job Titles

  • CEO — Chief Executive Officer:
    “Generate a SWOT analysis for the company and develop a three-year strategic plan.”
  • CHRO — Chief Human Resources Officer:
    “Develop a diversity and inclusion training program for all employees, including goals, metrics, and a timeline for implementation.”
  • CMO — Chief Marketing Officer:
    “Develop a social media content calendar for the next quarter, including specific themes, platforms, and target audiences.”
  • CFO — Chief Financial Officer:
    “Analyze financial statements and prepare a report outlining opportunities for cost savings.”
  • CCO — Chief Customer Officer:
    “Conduct a customer satisfaction survey and analyze the results to identify areas for improvement.”
  • COO — Chief Operating Officer:
    “Develop a production schedule for the next quarter, identifying areas of potential delay and opportunities to increase efficiency.”
  • CTO — Chief Technology Officer:
    “Review the current IT infrastructure and make recommendations for improving security and efficiency.”

Finance and Accounting Job Titles

Editor's note: for a full list, dive into these 40+ Finance Prompts.
  • Accounting Analyst: “Reconcile discrepancies between the company’s financial statements and bank statements, and document the findings in a report with recommendations for future improvements.”
  • Accounting Director: “Review and approve all financial reports, including balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow statements, ensuring accuracy and compliance with accounting standards.”
  • Accounts Payable/Receivable Clerk: “Prepare and send invoices to clients and follow up on outstanding payments, maintaining accurate records of all transactions.”
  • Auditor: “Conduct a thorough review of the company’s financial records to ensure compliance with accounting regulations and identify areas for improvement in internal controls.”
  • Budget Analyst: “Develop and maintain a budgeting system that accurately tracks expenses, forecasts future spending, and alerts management of any deviations from projections.”
  • Controller: “Prepare financial forecasts and cash flow projections, and provide strategic financial guidance to senior leadership on important business decisions.”
  • Financial Analyst: “Create and maintain financial models to evaluate the potential outcomes of different business scenarios, and present the findings to senior leadership.”
  • Finance Manager: “Develop and maintain relationships with external partners, such as banks, investors, and financial institutions, to secure favorable financing terms for the company.”
  • Payroll Manager: “Ensure accurate and timely processing of employee payroll, including tax withholdings, benefits contributions, and other deductions.”
  • Financial Services Representative: “Conduct comprehensive financial analyses for clients, including investment strategies, retirement planning, and risk management.”
  • Finance Director: “Develop and implement financial policies and procedures, ensuring compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.”

Healthcare Job Titles

  • Nurse: “Perform a head-to-toe assessment on a patient, noting any
    abnormalities in vital signs, skin color, or organ function, and
    updating the patient’s medical chart.”
  • Doctor: “Create a treatment plan for a patient with a chronic
    condition, including a combination of medications, lifestyle changes,
    and referrals to specialists as needed.”
  • Caregiver: “Assist a client with activities of daily living, such as
    bathing, dressing, and toileting, while ensuring their safety and
  • Physical Therapist: “Develop a 4-week exercise plan for a patient
    with a knee injury, including specific exercises to strengthen the
    affected area and reduce pain.”
  • Pharmacist: “Review a patient’s medication history and identify any
    potential drug interactions or adverse effects, contacting the
    prescribing physician as needed.”

Hospitality Job Titles

  • Casino Host: “Provide personalized customer service to high rollers,
    including arranging accommodations, reservations, and entertainment,
    and managing their gaming experience.”
  • Cruise Director: “Plan and execute a series of on-board activities
    for a 7-day cruise, including game nights, shows, and excursions.”
  • Event Planner: “Organize and execute a 500-person charity gala,
    including coordinating vendors, creating a budget, and managing event
  • Flight Attendant: “Prepare the cabin for takeoff by conducting a
    safety demonstration, ensuring all passengers’ belongings are stowed
    away, and checking that everyone is seated and buckled in.”
  • Hotel Manager: “Ensure the smooth and efficient operation of a
    100-room hotel, including overseeing front desk operations,
    housekeeping, maintenance, and food service.”
  • Travel Agent: “Research and book a 10-day all-inclusive vacation
    package to Hawaii for a family of four, taking into account their
    budget, preferences, and travel dates.”
  • Wedding Coordinator: “Plan and coordinate a 200-person wedding,
    including hiring vendors, managing the budget, and overseeing the
    ceremony and reception.”

Information Technology (IT) Job Titles

  • Application Developer: “Develop a new mobile app feature from conception to release, including design, development, testing, and deployment.”
  • Artificial Intelligence Engineer: “Develop a machine learning model to classify and tag images based on their content.”
  • Back End Developer: “Develop a RESTful API for a new product feature, including documentation and error handling.”
  • Cloud Architect: “Design a cloud infrastructure for a new application, including cost estimates, security considerations, and scalability.”
  • Computer Programmer: “Write a program to automate a manual process, such as generating reports or reconciling accounts.”
  • Computer Scientist: “Develop an algorithm to identify patterns in large data sets and generate a report summarizing the findings.”
  • Data Entry: “Input and verify data from paper forms into a digital database, ensuring accuracy and completeness.”
  • DevOps Engineer: “Set up a continuous integration and deployment pipeline using tools like Jenkins and Kubernetes.”
  • Front End Web Developer: “Optimize the load time of a website by compressing images, minifying code, and reducing server requests.”
  • Information Security Analyst: “Conduct a vulnerability assessment and penetration testing on a web application, identifying and prioritizing potential risks.”
  • IT Manager: “Develop a disaster recovery plan for the company’s IT infrastructure, including backups, redundancies, and failover procedures.”
  • Network Administrator: “Implement a new network security protocol to mitigate potential cyber threats.”
  • SQL Developer: “Create a script to automate a data import process, including error handling and data validation.”
  • Software Engineer: “Debug and resolve a critical issue in a production system, working with a team of engineers and stakeholders to minimize downtime.”
  • Technical Specialist: “Troubleshoot a complex technical issue with a software application, working with the vendor and internal stakeholders to resolve the issue.”
  • UX Designer & UI Developer: “Conduct user testing on a new product feature and prepare a report with recommendations for improvements.”

Marketing Job Title

Editor's note: for a full in-depth guide, check Best ChatGPT Prompts for Marketing.
  • Affiliate Marketing Manager: “Recruit and onboard at least 5 new affiliate partners for the company’s affiliate program, providing training, resources, and ongoing support to ensure success and maximize revenue potential.”
  • Brand Manager: “Develop a brand style guide that outlines the usage guidelines for the company’s visual identity, messaging, and tone of voice, to ensure consistency across all channels and touchpoints.”
  • Content Marketing Manager: “Develop a content calendar and production plan for a new blog or video series, including topic ideation, content formats, editorial guidelines, and promotion strategies.”
  • CRM Manager: “Develop and implement a customer retention strategy, including personalized email marketing campaigns, loyalty programs, and post-purchase follow-ups.”
  • Graphic Designer: “Design a series of banner ads in various sizes and formats for an upcoming marketing campaign, incorporating the company’s branding guidelines.”
  • Head of SEO: “Define a long-term SEO strategy and roadmap for a growing ecommerce website, including technical, content, and off-page optimizations, as well as tracking and reporting metrics.”
  • Linkbuilder: “Research and identify at least 10 relevant, high-authority websites that could potentially link back to the company’s website, and develop a personalized outreach email template to request a link exchange.”
  • Marketing Consultant: “Conduct a market analysis to identify potential growth opportunities for a startup company in a specific industry, and provide recommendations for strategy and tactics.”
  • Marketing Director: “Develop a marketing budget and allocation plan for the upcoming quarter, taking into account historical data and projected growth targets.”
  • Marketing Specialist: “Create a comprehensive social media strategy for a new product launch, including content calendars, ad targeting, and engagement metrics.”
  • Media Buyer: “Plan and execute a paid advertising campaign on a specific platform, such as Facebook or Google Ads, targeting a specific audience and optimizing for a specific goal, such as clicks or conversions.”
  • PR Manager: “Craft a compelling press release announcing a new partnership or collaboration, and distribute it to a targeted list of media outlets and journalists.”
  • SEO Consultant: “Perform a thorough analysis of a competitor’s SEO strategy and tactics, and provide actionable insights and recommendations for improving the company’s own search visibility and rankings.”
  • SEO Manager: “Conduct a comprehensive site audit to identify and fix technical SEO issues, including broken links, duplicate content, and metadata optimization.”
  • SEO Specialist: “Optimize a landing page for a specific keyword or keyphrase, including on-page content, metadata, and internal linking structure.”
  • Social Media Manager: “Respond to 50 customer inquiries or comments on social media, ensuring that each response is timely, personalized, and aligns with the company’s voice and tone.”
  • Product Marketing Manager: “Write a product positioning statement and a feature-benefit matrix for a new software product, highlighting its unique value proposition and competitive advantages.”
Editor's note: have a look to our top SEO prompts covering all tasks.

Writing Job Titles

  • Copy Editor: “Proofread a 20-page sales brochure for spelling, grammar, and formatting errors, and provide suggestions for improvement.”
  • Copywriter: “Write a compelling tagline for a new clothing brand that appeals to the target demographic.”
  • Editor/Proofreader: “Edit a 50,000-word manuscript for consistency, clarity, and accuracy while maintaining the author’s voice.”
  • Film Critic: “Write a 500-word review of the latest blockbuster film, analyzing its plot, characters, and technical aspects.”
  • Ghostwriter: “Write a 50,000-word memoir based on interviews and notes provided by the client, ensuring accuracy and maintaining their voice.”
  • Journalist: “Find the most recent articles on the topic of renewable energy and summarize the key points in a 500-word article.”
  • Screenwriter: “Develop a script for a 30-second commercial that promotes a new product and appeals to the target audience.”
  • Speechwriter: “Write a 5-minute speech for a company executive on the benefits of remote work for the annual employee conference.”
  • Technical Writer: “Create a user manual for a new software product that includes clear, concise, and easy-to-understand instructions.”
  • Translator: “Translate a 10-page legal document from Spanish to English, ensuring accuracy and proper use of terminology.”
  • Travel Writer: “Write a 1,000-word article on the top tourist attractions in New York City, including insider tips and personal recommendations.”
  • Video Game Writer: “Write the dialogue and script for a new video game, including character descriptions, backstory, and plot development.”

Editor’s note: the last prompt works greatly in cooperation with the AI video creator synthesia

Sales Job Titles

  • Account Executive: “Create a spreadsheet that compares the features and pricing of our top three competitors and identify unique selling points that differentiate our products or services from theirs.”
  • Account Manager: “Set up a meeting with a key account holder to discuss their current needs, satisfaction levels, and identify any areas for upselling or cross-selling.”
  • B2B Sales Specialist: “Conduct research on potential clients and compile a list of decision-makers, contact information, and areas of interest for a targeted outreach campaign.”
  • Real Estate Broker: “Research market trends and prepare a presentation for clients with data on average home prices, time on the market, and competition in the area.”

    This prompt works greatly in combination with Tome App, an AI presentation builder.

  • Sales Analyst: “Analyze sales data to determine the optimal pricing strategy for the upcoming quarter, including discounts, bundles, and promotions.”

  • Sales Associate: “Generate a report of the top 10 products or services that customers inquire about and their common questions for the past month.”
  • Sales Engineer: “Create a detailed proposal for a complex solution to a client’s needs, including a project timeline, estimated costs, and potential challenges.”
  • Sales Manager: “Develop a process for analyzing the performance of the sales team and identifying areas for improvement, including a set of key performance indicators (KPIs) to track and regular coaching sessions with team members.”
  • Sales Representative: “Create a follow-up email template with three personalized suggestions for additional products or services that complement the customer’s previous purchase.”
  • Store Manager: “Schedule the staff rotations for the upcoming week, taking into account sales targets, staff availability, and employee performance.”

Teacher Job Titles

  • Tutor/Online Tutor: “Create a lesson plan for a 1-hour tutoring session on algebra, including a brief assessment to measure the student’s understanding of the topic.”
  • Teaching Assistant: “Grade 10 homework assignments for spelling and grammar errors and provide specific feedback to each student, indicating areas for improvement.”
  • Substitute Teacher: “Lead a 1-hour discussion on the themes and motifs of the novel ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’, including a summary of the plot and key characters.”
  • Preschool Teacher: “Develop a fun and interactive activity for a 30-minute lesson on colors, using games, songs, and visual aids to engage students.”
  • Online ESL Instructor: “Create a 45-minute lesson plan on basic English grammar for beginner-level students, including interactive activities and discussion questions to reinforce learning.”

Prompts Bonus Track! – Artificial Intelligence (AI) Roles

Worth a heading apart since this is the career path that is changing more rapidly. We will update it very frequently!

  • AI Consultant: “Help me identify the best AI solution for my business needs, considering factors like cost, technical feasibility, and potential impact on my industry.”
  • AI Engineer/Developer: “Please provide an example of a successful AI model that you have developed, along with the steps you took to optimize it for accuracy and efficiency.”
  • AI Ethicist: “Can you provide me with a list of ethical principles that should guide the development and use of AI systems in our company, and how we can implement them in practice?”
  • AI Product Manager: “Can you help me develop a roadmap for our AI product that outlines the key features, milestones, and resources needed to bring it to market?”
  • AI Research Scientist: “What are some of the most promising research areas in AI right now, and how might they be applied to solve real-world problems in our industry?”
  • Computer Vision Engineer: “Can you help me build an AI-powered security camera system that can recognize and alert us to potential threats in real-time?”
  • Data Scientist: “How can we use machine learning to optimize our supply chain operations and reduce costs without sacrificing quality or customer satisfaction?”
  • Machine Learning Engineer: “Can you help me develop a predictive model that forecasts demand for our products and services, so we can optimize our inventory and resource allocation?”
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP) Engineer: “Can you help me build an AI-powered chatbot that can understand and respond to customer inquiries in natural language, while also maintaining data privacy and security?”
  • Robotics Engineer: “How can we use AI to improve the efficiency and safety of our manufacturing operations, while also minimizing errors and downtime?”

Let’s make up a few more, see when they become real:

  • Prompts Specialist
  • Senior Prompter
  • Head of AI Prompts
  • AIPO (Artificial Intelligence Prompts Optimization) Manager

Do you belong to one of these industries or work on a related role within them?

Catch up with what GPT can do to enhance your job expertise and start trying yourself with GPT main functions.

Author and Reviewer
  • Gipiti

    Hello there! I'm GiPiTi, an AI writer who lives and breathes all things GPT. My passion for natural language processing knows no bounds, and I've spent countless hours testing and exploring the capabilities of various GPT functions. I love sharing my insights and knowledge with others, and my writing reflects my enthusiasm for the fascinating world of AI and language technology. Join me on this exciting journey of discovery and innovation - I guarantee you'll learn something new same way I do!

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  • Jorge Alonso

    The human behind GiPiTi Chat. AI Expert. AI content reviewer. ChatGPT advocate. Prompt Engineer. AIO. SEO. A couple of decades busting your internet.

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